Thursday, February 28, 2008

From a New Blogger

I noticed that many of the most interesting folks in my life have blogs. Blogging has never been something that I was particularly interested in, but lately, I've been obsessed with peeking into other people's lives via blogs. I've got students who blog about school, classes, work, friends who blog about family and kids, and others who blog about who knows what.

It's fascinating!

I realize that I don't have much to say, but I thought it might be interesting to become more aware of my thoughts and my concerns and begin to add them to a place where others can think about the same things.

Plus, I needed a website to put on my Facebook. I'm really a very boring person.

Boring and nervous.

Boring and nervous and often afraid of what my students are thinking while I am teaching.

I often consider how Christ interrupts my life to show me glimpses of Himself.

I'm fascinated with why Christians aren't more involved in the public arena.

I'm excited to watch my students begin to think critically about literature and grammar.

I'm rambling.

I guess all of this to say -- Welcome to the mind of a random, passionate, excitable human being.

Thus begins the journey. Join me.


ashleyking said...

Oh my dear friend, you are nothing short of fascinating. Never boring...let me assure you of that. I'm so excited you have a blog! I'll write a new one tonight probably. When I was in your class, I always thought that you were very smart and I felt dumb because I never got the poetry interpretations. ;) Love you

Karis said...

I love you and you inspired me to creat a blog.