Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bandaids, Anyone?

When you're three and a half, you get bandaids on your knees just because you're three and a half.

It's a good thing I get these things cheap with coupons.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Life in a Picture

Please don't misunderstand. I LOVE this crazy, wonderful life. But this is where I am right now - the struggle between work and home. Oh my!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What You'll Find on my Nook

Here's the list of what I've been reading the past few months and what I hope to be reading in the very near future. (Things which don't include student writing or anything truly literary.)

This series by Joel Rosenberg:

Absolutely fantastic and thought-provoking. I burned out on the Left Behind series when it was the hottest thing several years ago, but I found that I couldn't put these books down. Well, that's not completely true. When I got to the last one - Dead Heat - I had to stop reading for a while because it was just a little too real. I highly recommend these.

When I Lay My Isaac Down by Carol Kent

I picked this up because it was mentioned by our interim pastor at church. It is insightful and moving. It helps me think about how to handle life in general.

Okay, technically this isn't on my Nook, but it's what I'm listening to:

How I've missed Phil Wickham all these years is beyond me. I actually downloaded his song You are Beautiful when I meant to download Cannons and when I realized the mistake, I had to go back and get the whole album. That's totally logical, right?

Here's what I have on my Nook and hope to read soon:

I need the crash course on parenting, I think. Since God is so gracious to me, I think that I should extend that grace to my kids.

I'm also torn between


What do you think?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Daddy, can you please wash my cups?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Just Because He's Too Cute

This guy has stolen my heart.

Can't you see why?

It's Way Past Time for a Haircut!

I had finally had enough with the hair and the tangles and the crying and the tears and the food gunked up in the hair. Jason and I talked it over, and then we began to work on Abby, convincing her that a haircut would be a great thing.

So, we went from this:

To this:

Much better, huh?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Report of the Weekly Savings

As you have probably already figured out, I endeavor to save my family as much money as possible when it comes to grocery shopping and truly any other kind of shopping.

So, today, in the nasty, misty rain, I journeyed to Publix and CVS. I had gone to Ingles yesterday, and since it was naptime when we got home from Ingles, there are no pictures from that trip.

Jason says that I have to stop with the Coke. We now have about ten 2 liters and ten 12 packs of Cokes in our house. The sad thing? We'll drink them.

Here's how it all broke down:

CVS - spent $22.94, saved $39.82
Publix - spent $57.37, saved $68.94
Ingles - spent $$29.05, saved $27.34

Total spent $109.36, saved 136.10 or 55%

You'll notice there are two greeting cards in that pile. They're for my Nannie who will be 81 tomorrow. She doesn't look at this blog; heck, she's never even had her driving license, but I love her. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, NANNIE!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Things I Learn from Chocolate

For Christmas, Jason gave me a bag of Dove Dark Chocolates. I'm amazed that we waited over a month before opening them, but today we opened them for dessert after lunch. They're the promises. You know, the ones that have pithy saying written in the wrapper. I think the first one I opened said something like, "Your smile could light up a room." Well, thanks. That makes me feel great.

The second one I opened, however, made me think. It said, "Love rules without rules."

Now, that's simply not true. Genuine love loves with rules and parameters. What kind of mom would I be if I never set any guidelines for Abby and Jake? I'd be a pretty lousy one. Jason and I institute rules because we love our children.

For example, I tell Abby she can't run in a parking lot (a rule) because I don't want her to get hurt, not because I hate her.

Somewhere along the line, our culture has bought into the lie that true love allows us to do whatever we want whenever we want. That's simply not true.

What kind of God would we serve who never told us no? If I never tell Abby no I create a brat, and the same goes for God. I'm afraid we have lots of spiritual brats running around because they refuse to believe in a God who would tell them no. Instead they create their own god who never tells them no, and thus act like spoiled brats. My God disciplines me and puts limits in my life for my good, whether I see and understand that or not.

It's kind of amazing how something as simple as a piece of chocolate can make you think.