This is the silly 25 random things about you post from Facebook. I thought you might find it amusing here.
1. I swore to myself that I would not write this note, but here I am. That shows how good I am at commitment.
2. I worked as a family court paralegal all through college and while I finished my Masters's degree. It was grueling work, but interestingly enough I enjoyed it.
3. Even though I love, love, love my job, students can sometimes annoy me.
4. I used to pay my sister to clean my room. I'm that bad at organization.
5. Like all good English people, I would love to write a novel. I'm sure I've got a story in here somewhere.
6. Couponing is a passion of mine. On a good week I save about 40% on my grocery bill. I learned this skill from my mom.
7. The hardest thing I've ever done was walk out of the NICU and leave Abby there. I still tear up when I think about it.
8. I'm an introvert. Sometimes I just want to be left alone, completely alone.
9. I often start books and never finish them.
10. Napping is my favorite pastime.
11. I was in Bible drills at my church until I was in high school. To put that I am a nerd would be redundant.
12. My favorite word is spumescent. It means frothy and foamlike.
13. I would like to have visited every continent by the time that I am 30. I've only got Africa, Australia and Antarctica left to go.
14. Bravo is my favorite network on cable.
15. I use Star Wars in my lectures to gain brownie points with Jason. I really don't know alot about Star Wars, but my students don't know that.
16. I took dance when I was little and I have the pictures to prove it. I wasn't very good.
17. I'm often glad that I am the oldest because my baby sister is much smarter than I am.
18. I can't stand it when the slides at church contain grammatical errors. It distracts my worship. Is that bad?
19. I find it fascinating to look for God in the literature that I study. He's always there.
20. I've always wanted to have my tongue pierced, but I think it would hurt too much to actually have it done.
21. I like all things chocolate.
22. Crossword puzzles are my guilty pleasure.
23. I think I could be classified as a Facebook stalker.
24. Going to Clemson and getting my Master's degree was a spiritual challenge for me.
25. We use cloth diapers with Abby and surprisingly we love it.
Fashion Friday: Edition welcome to 2025
5 days ago
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