Here are some pics of little miss Abby from December. I'm amazed at how much she is changing and how much of a personality she already has. She says so many words that I'm a little concerned about her teenage years already. She has a great love for the telephone, again a pre-concern for when she can actually talk on the telephone.
Her favorite book is But Not The Hippopotamus by Sandra Boyton. Jason and I have it memorized: "A hog and a frog cavort in a bog but not the hippopotamus." I think it's awesome that a children's book uses cavort in the first sentence. I'll read it for that.
The princess still takes two naps a day, hallelujah, and she still has an insatiable appetite for all things culinary, well everything except meat. I don't know where she got that from unless it was from my sister. She'll eat anything over meat, even hot sauce. Go figure.
Puppy dogs are still her favorite animal. I caught her today pulling Leia's tail. It's a good thing Leia is a rather tolerant dog.
And finally, The General Insurance commercials will cause Abby to stop dead in her tracks. She loves The General. At my mom's house one day the television was muted when the commercial came on, and Abby would not stop yelling and pointing until the volume was turned up. Maybe she has a thing for older men, men who aren't real. I don't know.
Enjoy the pictures!
She loves yogurt!
Look at those eyes. This picture is Jason's personal favorite.
Just chillin' with the phone. Our future? Probably.
Go Tigers! Okay, this one isn't from December but it's cute. Work with me.
Abby fell asleep in the car with her Christmas ornament from Aunt Heidi in her mouth. I'm thinking this picture will be perfect in her high school annual. What do you think?
Here's what happened when we put on a 6-9 month outfit at 17 months of age. The neck hole was too large, and Abby got one arm out before I caught her.
Happy New Year, all.
Fashion Friday: Edition welcome to 2025
5 days ago
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