On Sunday, Abby got a sucker from her Sunday school teacher. Normally that's not a big deal, and we all know that Abby LOVES sugar in the form of a Dum-Dum. This wasn't just any Dum-Dum either; this was a bubblegum flavored Dum-Dum. It was pink and everything. As you can see, the temptation was just too much from the start.
On the way out to the car, Abby began to beg for the sucker. Being the good parents we are, we knew we were on our way to dinner at my parents' house, so she really didn't need the sucker right then because macaroni and cheese would be out of the question if she was hyped up on sugar.
That being said, we told her she could have the sucker as soon as dinner was over. She could hold the sucker on the way to Nana and Papa's but she couldn't eat it. Mistake.
Jason and I were engrossed in coversation in the front seat when I heard what sounded like little teeth on pink sucker. I turned around to find Abby with her eyes closed, lips wrapped around the Dum-Dum and a contented grin on her face.
I immediately yelled, "ABBY LOOPER! We said no sucker until after lunch!"
Jason took the sucker away and much crying ensued.
The picture you see above was after lunch when Abby got to finish her sucker on the way home.
I learned something on Sunday. Sometimes we think we know best; we sneak the things that we're not supposed to have, thinking that God is either too busy to notice or that he doesn't really care anyway. The reality is that he is neither. He's not too busy and he does care.
I sometimes enjoy sin the way Abby was enjoying that sucker, eyes closed, grin on my face.
It was convicting to realize how much like a little child I am in my spiritual walk.
Proverbs 9:17 talks about the call of Folly and Folly says, "Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!"
The reality is that though it is sweet for the moment, the consequences cause much crying and heart-break.
Something to think about.
Fashion Friday: Edition welcome to 2025
5 days ago
I have hidden one too many suckers myself. Ultimately, the only sucker left was me!
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