Today I went to class as usual at 1:00. I love that class. It is English 2300, and we discuss poetry and short stories and To Kill A Mockingbird. It is absolutely wonderful. Did I mention that the students are pretty fantastic in there. I wonder if any of them read this blog. Oh well.
Everything seemed pretty normal. Almost everyone was in class. I closed the door promptly at 1:00 (like a good teacher) and began to take prayer requests. Now, I'm used to prayer request time. Usually, students ask for things like "help my grandmother feel better" and "I have a friend who is having a hard time". I can handle those, but today students were asking for heavy stuff. I've had two students in that class request prayer because their best friends from high school were tragically and unexpectedly killed. That happened today.
What do you say? What do you pray?
I listened, said I was sorry, and then bowed my head to pray. I knew the moment my head went down that something different was about to happen. I had goose bumps, which is a rarity in my world. Then I felt God move. I don't know if the other students felt it or not. Maybe it was just a special moment between me and the Father, but there was power in that prayer.
Please pray for my students. Take a moment to commune with God and experience His power. When we pray, we are actually talking to someone who can do something about our problems. It isn't like griping to a friend or complaining to a coworker. God can and does work on our behalves.
"Be STILL and KNOW that He is GOD!"
That is my prayer.
Fashion Friday: Edition welcome to 2025
5 days ago
Although we don't pray in class at NCSU (obviously), I know how you feel in those heartbreaking moments. Last semester was particularly hard for me, as one student's father was brutally murdered in their family grocery store. She and I became close over the semester, and I pray seeds were planted - she is Muslim. What a neat thing that you can openly pray with and for your students!
I know exactly what you mean. I have had several of those both in the classroom and elsewhere. Thanks for the link girl!
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