Monday, June 14, 2010


Well, I didn't find my camera cord, but luckily my mom had a Kodak camera that went kaput so she let me borrow her cord so that I could get my pictures onto the computer.

I'm going to start with the kitchen remodel pictures since they are the ones that are first on the camera.

The remodel took us approximately 3 weekends. It was a complete success. We're still lacking a finished pantry, but we are surviving with a gray, metal shelf and a few boxes in the floor. Hopefully Jason will finish that phase while he's on vacation next week.

A bold color, don't you think?

No cabinet doors. It's amazing what a fresh coat of paint will do.

Much better.

This sink is cast iron and weighs approximately 500,000 lbs. Jason told me that it's not going ANYWHERE! I love it, so he may have to take it out when we leave this house, but shhhh don't tell him yet.

I was most worried about the tile, but Jason really did a great job with it.

We did this on a shoestring budget, but I am so very pleased with the end result.


Erin said...

It looks awesome!