Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Tasty Tip

A friend of mine gave me this wonderful coffee tip recently. As many of you know I am a coffee addict. My students often accuse me of giving Dunkin Donuts too much of my money, and since I am home for the summer, I now have to brew my own, which is much more economical.

Here's the tip. When you want flavored coffee but don't have any flavoring, add some cinnamon to the grounds before you brew the pot. It is wonderful. It is just enough flavoring to make your coffee seem much more extravagant than it actually is.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I remembered

I finally remember what I was going to post at the end of one of my last blogs. It may take a while, but eventually I remember things!

The past year has been difficult for me and Jason. Having a baby will totally rock your world, and having a baby who was premature and extremely small makes it even more difficult.

I have taught the college and careers Sunday school class at my church for several years now, and I love my kids dearly. They bring a certain amount of liveliness and excitement to my life that I couldn't get anywhere else. Shortly before Abby was born, I began to have problems with my pregnancy. I won't go into detail here because many of you already know. I felt like I couldn't do it all, and my SS class had to be put on the back burner. I turned the class over to someone who said she wanted to take it, but things didn't work out very well.

So much has been invested in my class. They are bright, seeking, loving individuals who genuinely want to know more of God and His relationship with this world and what that means to them.

Since Abby has been here, Jason and I feel an intense need to be connected to other adults. We need that kind of interaction. We need to know that there are other adults who struggle like we do with parenting and marriage. We need a SS class. Unfortunately there is no one to take my SS class, and I don't know that I want to give it up completely.

We began praying for someone to help. We did what John 4:35 says and we asked the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into the field, and you know what he did! He sent them. I received a phone call one day from a dear friend who used to help me saying that he wants to come teach one Sunday a month.

I then had some new, dear friends say that they might be interested in helping some. Praise the Lord.

I hope that you know that God is telling the truth when he says to simply ask and believe because he is already working. I know that full well!

The part of parenting I really don't dig

There is a part of parenting that I really don't enjoy. I realized my aversion for it yesterday afternoon and evening. My dear, sweet daughter fights sleep. Because of this tendency, we often have to let her scream herself to naptime. It is excruciating. I HATE having to listen to her scream.

When she was a baby, either Jason or I would run into her room at the first indication of a whimper, scoop her up and rock her to sleep. Perhaps that is where we made our first mistake as parents. Because she was so little and so vulnerable, I felt guilty letting her cry and cry and cry.

As she has gotten older, I realize that it is simply manipulation on her part. There is nothing wrong except that she wants us to hold her.

Yesterday we had screamfest for about 30-45 minutes before she gave it up. This morning, she submitted rather quickly (5 minutes or so).

I sure hope it get easier, but something deep down tells me this is the easiest it's going to get!

Friday, April 25, 2008

The End of the Semester

The end of the semester brings with it many emotions. I am anxious to be finished with grading and lecturing so that I can spend some time playing and reading. I have to admit, however, that I am very sad to watch my students go.

This semester has been somewhat of an anomaly. I usually begin to miss my students well before they actually leave for the summer, but this semester, I find myself with an infectious case of summer fever. I want to sleep past 5:15 in the morning, and I want to read something besides student essays. You may say, "well, read something other than students essays for goodness sake," but that is easier said than done!

As I sit here in my English 2300 class, and watch my students taking their exam, I know that they are at a pivotal point in their lives. They are going to decide who they will marry, where they will live, what they will be. It is exciting, and I am praying for them.

I know God has exceptional plans for each one, and I hope that they know that I care for them and hope the best for them in everything they do.


On another note, I am super excited about tomorrow afternoon because Jason and I have a babysitter, and we are going to a movie and out to eat -- at Chili's! It is so rare that we actually get to do those things now with Abby that I can't wait!


There was something else I was going to post here, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was, so I guess I'll have to post it later. :-) Thank you, Mommy Brain!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Fun Word Game

One of my students introduced me to this fantastic website. They donate 20 grains of rice for every word that you define correctly.

It is a great way to increase your vocabulary and have a little fun. I have to warn you that it can be very addictive, so beware.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Grades, grades, grades and frustration!

As the end of the semester approaches, I feel the panic beginning to set in with my classes. Certain grade point averages must be maintained, and scholarships are on the line. I am trying to remember if I was ever this panicked, but I don't think that I was.

I want so many things for my students. I want them to be hard workers. I want them to have a sense of pride in the things that they accomplish. I want them to be trustworthy and diligent. I want them to have fun and enjoy this college experience.

I pray that they will realize that scripture is very clear that we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, MIND and strength. God wants us to show our love for him through the way we treat our school work. It is wonderful to go on mission trips and to sing in praise band, but it is also important that we honor God by turning in our papers on time and by studying for the exams we have to take.

I pray that God will enlighten my students to their responsibility, and I also pray that he will fill me with compassion and patience. PLEASE!!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sweet Baby Girl

Here's a video of Abby playing this afternoon.

I love this baby girl!

She has just learned to shake her head no. Her favorite time to do it is when she is eating. Babies are so fun when they aren't sick!

On another note, I went to the doctor this afternoon for my thyroid, and they diagnosed me with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. It isn't anything too serious, but it does mean that I will take a pill for the rest of my life to regulate my thyroid levels. I am so thankful that we live in a time where so many things that were once deadly are now curable!

I've been meditating on what it means to train up a child. Pray that God will reveal himself as I ponder the implications of parenthood.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Finally - an ear infection

I know it sounds strange, but I am so glad that we FINALLY got an ear infection diagnosis from the doctor. Abby has been sick for a week, and we took her to the doctor again this morning; she does have an ear infection. I'm sorry for her that she has to be in pain, but I am so glad that we can now treat her sickness. Babies and illnesses don't mix well together -- neither do parents and little to no sleep.

With Abby being sick, I have missed church 2 Sundays in a row, and I am really starting to feel it. I can tell by my mood and by my disposition that I really need to get back in the routine of things. Pray that we will be back to normal quickly!

On another note, we finally got a new television. Jason has been battling with Hitachi for 3 1/2 months now to get his television fixed -- the one he bought with his Walmart money. Hitachi gave us a credit for his television because it was "unfixable" and we bought a new Samsung from HHGregg. I know that sounds petty, but we missed having a television in the living room. After a year of a 42' plasma tv, it is hard to having practically nothing.

I hope you guys take some time to enjoy the day and enjoy your family. More later.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Can you make a New Year's Resolution in the middle of the year? I don't know, but I think that is what I'm going to attempt to do. I don't know that I'm really that good at resolutions, but I thought I would give it a try.

Here's my plan:

1. I'm going to try to post on this blog every day (or at least every other day -- how's that for waffling before you even start). I think that I need the catharsis that writing brings. I tend to bottle things up and then explode, and if I can get my thoughts out, it might help all of those involved.

2. I'm going to be more diligent in my walk with Christ. I struggle with consistency. I'm really good at being inconsistent, but as for being consistent, I am lacking greatly.

That's all I have for now.

On a completely different note, we had dinner with some wonderful new/old friends last night! I have also posted links to their blogs on mine. It is so difficult to find good, Godly friends with kids and a willingness to hang out. I long for close friendships, and I God is always faithful to provide when we ask! Isn't he so gracious and kind.

Next, their daughter, Sarah is a beautiful, talented little girl who I find completely charming. I hope that Deb lets me come play with her again soon. AND, she gave me a beautiful caterpillar that I plan to sit somewhere in my house (haven't decided where yet).

Finally, Abby is sick. She has been sick for about a week, and we are exhausted because she's not sleeping. Well, she's sleeping/napping right now, but at night, she's not sleeping. Please pray for her to begin to feel better soon when you think about it.

That's it for now!