Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Grades, grades, grades and frustration!

As the end of the semester approaches, I feel the panic beginning to set in with my classes. Certain grade point averages must be maintained, and scholarships are on the line. I am trying to remember if I was ever this panicked, but I don't think that I was.

I want so many things for my students. I want them to be hard workers. I want them to have a sense of pride in the things that they accomplish. I want them to be trustworthy and diligent. I want them to have fun and enjoy this college experience.

I pray that they will realize that scripture is very clear that we are to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, MIND and strength. God wants us to show our love for him through the way we treat our school work. It is wonderful to go on mission trips and to sing in praise band, but it is also important that we honor God by turning in our papers on time and by studying for the exams we have to take.

I pray that God will enlighten my students to their responsibility, and I also pray that he will fill me with compassion and patience. PLEASE!!!!