I finally remember what I was going to post at the end of one of my last blogs. It may take a while, but eventually I remember things!
The past year has been difficult for me and Jason. Having a baby will totally rock your world, and having a baby who was premature and extremely small makes it even more difficult.
I have taught the college and careers Sunday school class at my church for several years now, and I love my kids dearly. They bring a certain amount of liveliness and excitement to my life that I couldn't get anywhere else. Shortly before Abby was born, I began to have problems with my pregnancy. I won't go into detail here because many of you already know. I felt like I couldn't do it all, and my SS class had to be put on the back burner. I turned the class over to someone who said she wanted to take it, but things didn't work out very well.
So much has been invested in my class. They are bright, seeking, loving individuals who genuinely want to know more of God and His relationship with this world and what that means to them.
Since Abby has been here, Jason and I feel an intense need to be connected to other adults. We need that kind of interaction. We need to know that there are other adults who struggle like we do with parenting and marriage. We need a SS class. Unfortunately there is no one to take my SS class, and I don't know that I want to give it up completely.
We began praying for someone to help. We did what John 4:35 says and we asked the Lord of the Harvest to send workers into the field, and you know what he did! He sent them. I received a phone call one day from a dear friend who used to help me saying that he wants to come teach one Sunday a month.
I then had some new, dear friends say that they might be interested in helping some. Praise the Lord.
I hope that you know that God is telling the truth when he says to simply ask and believe because he is already working. I know that full well!
Fashion Friday: Edition welcome to 2025
5 days ago
God will provide...He is awesome that way. Your dedication to the class and obedience to God will all pay off. As your NGC students, EPBC students are lucky to have you. You are wise beyond your years!! I love you!
Wow. God is so, so good!
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