All is quiet in the Looper house this evening. Jason's sister picked up Abby about 5:30 to take her to a ballgame because I had the ladies coming over for Bible study. Jason had praise band practice, and the ladies have headed their separate ways, and I find myself here, in front of the computer surrounded by silence. Well, it isn't completely silent because I just started the dishwasher, but its hum somehow calms me. It means I'm not at the sink washing dishes, which is a wonderful thought.
This is a very stream of consciousness rambling, but those of you who are my true friends will understand and forgive me.
Today I accomplished little and much all at the same time. How, you may ask. I made dinner, straightened around the house, enjoyed a wonderful lunch with Debra, and now I am able to write a blog to you folks out in bloggerville.
I only have 2 weeks of summer school left. I am so glad! I'm not glad because my students have been any trouble but because I am ready to be home and be enjoying the beautiful weather and my beautiful daughter. We sat on the porch for a few minutes this afternoon, and she loved it; she always does.
Well, I think I'm going to go turn on the television and veg out until Jason returns with my child. And maybe I'll listen to the dishwasher.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
All is Quiet (Except the Dishwasher)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Our week/weekend
Look How Big I Am Now!!!!
It has been kind of busy around here the last few days -- not because we had a lot to do but because we like to run around, I suppose. Abby is learning to crawl. Right now she just scoots on her elbows, but I am confident that soon she will be up and going. The other day I had her on the floor while I was fixing dinner, and she ended up on the other side of the room.
Yesterday Jason and I decided to go to the park in Easley with Abby. We had so much fun. We took a picnic and ate, and then we helped Abby play. I already knew that she loved the swing from our walks to the park with Debra and Ashton, but she slid down the slide with Jason and had a blast. She is just too cute with her hat and her sunglasses.
Daddy fixing Abby's sunglasses
Daddy and Abby
Getting ready to slide
So sweet in her hat
Abby and Mommy
To round off our already busy day, we went to a Mother/Daughter banquet with my grandmother last night. Abby was extremely good, but by the time this picture was taken, she was ready to go home and go to bed!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Too long -- Edited
Hey guys! I'm sorry it has been so long since I posted. I guess that life has been too busy around here.
I was trying to think of something to post here, but I really don't have that much to say today.
Life in the Looper household has been strangely calm. I probably shouldn't even mention that because that means that now we are going to be incredibly busy and distracted and things are going to happen that we didn't expect. Can I take back the first sentence of this paragraph?
I guess one of the things that I am learning is just to sit back and watch what God is doing. Now that I look back at Abby's birth (amazingly, it's been almost a year), I have to say that I had a touch of postpartum depression. I didn't know it was that at the time because I've been depressed before, and this was nothing like that. I was just kind of apathetic to everything and everyone, not really sad.
God has been working with me, and finally my hormones seem to be close to normal again (as normal as they can get. I reference my friend Debra's comments on PMS here).
Because of my apathy, I have neglected my relationship with God most of all. I have been learning that there are moments in our lives where God is quiet to teach us the value and the importance of his voice. Those times are difficult because I have grown accustom to hearing God speak.
Most recently, God has given me the opportunity to lead a Bible study with some wonderful ladies I used to work with in Greenville. This was completely out of the blue. I have been longing for the opportunity to be around people who need to know more about Jesus. I guess it is the teacher in me that longs to teach, and God placed it right in my lap. We are going to do Beth Moore's Bible study Breaking Free. I have done this before, but I am excited to do it again. Please pray for us as we begin.
I'll be sure to keep you posted on how we progress.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Marriage Retreat
The marriage retreat was incredible this weekend. It was just what Jason and I needed. We got to enjoy time with other couples and with each other without having to worry about a 10 month old. I missed Abby but not as much as I thought I would. She didn't miss us at all, and that is okay.
Here's a picture, though not a good one. I'll post more later.
Still Learning
I learned a lesson this evening in a very unlikely way. It has been one of those days, if you know what I mean. I over-committed myself, and then I showed up for a doctor's appointment that wasn't until tomorrow. Luckily, they worked me in, and when I finally got home, I had to throw something together for dinner. The dinner part I actually had already prepped for; the execution of dinner is what hung me up.
I decided last night that we would have Smokehouse Spaghetti for dinner. It is one of Jason's favorite recipes, and I thought that I would be a good wife and fix it for him. It requires crispy bacon and ground beef, so I thawed the beef last night and cooked the bacon this afternoon. When I pulled the bacon out of the refrigerator, I noticed that it looked a little brown, but my mom always taught me to smell the meat to see if it was okay or if it was just brown. It smelled fine, so I put it in the pan. It cooked -- no problem. I drained off the excess grease and put some freshly opened bacon in the pan. This is where the problem occurred. I started smelling a very sick, sweet smell. That is never good. I sniffed the bacon in the pan (not too close because I didn't want to have to explain that at the ER). It smelled fine. I pulled it off the stove and cooked the ground beef.
All that to say, I got the spaghetti completely ready and in the oven, but I couldn't get over the sick, sweet smell. When Jason got home, I had him smell the grease, which is what I determined finally smelled, and he said that we were not eating that. I couldn't be offended because I really didn't want to eat it either. It smelled really bad.
God spoke to me in that moment because so many times in my life, I look at something that I really want, and I desire it so intensely. It looks okay; it smells okay, but in reality, it is not okay. It is rotten and stinking. Satan is very good at making things that are terrible for us look very appealing. My spaghetti looked very appetizing. It was just what I wanted to eat, but had I eaten it, it would have been the last thing I wanted to eat.
I pray that God surrounds you with his protection and that you begin to see things the way he does.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A stolen post
I stole this idea from my friend Meredith. She has a wonderful blog you can view here. She often posts 13 of her favorite things, and since we both went to Clemson where we learned about creative stealing, I figure it is fitting to take her idea. Meredith, you let me know if this isn't okay. :-)
13 Things I am thankful for:
1. My husband and daughter. I know that technically that could be two things, but I love them equally and couldn't imagine trying to rank them. For so many years I was certain I would have neither, so to have both of them in my life is a blessing. Okay, I'm going to cry if I don't stop.
2. Dishwashers. We didn't have a dishwasher in our first home, and I abhor (yes, abhor) handwashing dishes. As a matter of fact, if the dishwasher doesn't get it clean, Jason now has to wash it.
3. Family who will watch Abby. We have awesome family who are willing to watch Abby when we need a break.
4. Lunch with other moms. I had an incredible lunch today of lime pork chops. Debra you so need to post that recipe on your blog!
5. Full nights of sleep. Newborn babies. Enough said.
6. Rain. We need it so desperately, and it is wonderful to see it today.
7. Students. They keep me on my toes, and I am always learning something new from them.
8. Comments on my blog. Okay, this one is kind of fishing, but I really do like to know that people actually look at this things and enjoy it. It is a pride thing I'm sure.
9. Naptimes. Mine and Abby's! I love Abby's most because that is when I get to sit down and spend time with the Father.
10. Thought-provoking discussion and books. We are in the midst of one of the most wonderful Bible studies in my SS class. Fascinating.
11. Television. I like to watch TV. What can I say.
12. Facebook. I am so glad that I can keep up with people who otherwise I would lose contact with.
13. Porches.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
We Survived
I know that this is a strange title to put on a Mother's Day post, but with both of our families coming to our house to eat, it is a miracle that we survived Mother's Day!
It was a wonderful day certainly. Jason and Abby gave me cards first thing in the morning. I cried. For those of you who know me, I usually don't cry over sentimental things. If I cry, it is typically because I am mad or hurt, not because I am touched. I guess it was something about the day and realizing how blessed I actually am that brought tears to my eyes. They also gave me some wonderful porch furniture. I have been wanting rocking chairs for our porch for some time. Now Abby and I can go outside an sit, which we actually did yesterday. Don't judge me by the cups on my front porch!
Abby was also dedicated on Sunday. It was a lovely ceremony. She got a little Bible and a certificate. She didn't cry or fuss at all; she simply swung her feet back and forth while Jeff gave the challenge. My grandmother came to the service, which was a wonderful gift. My nannie is 78 years old. I am so blessed to still have her here, and I hope that Abby is able to enjoy her as much as I did and still do.
Perhaps the funniest part of the dedication was that Abby was the smallest yet oldest (baby) on the stage. She was also the only girl.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Yes, There is a God
I'm reading a profound book called What's So Great About Christianity by Dinesh D'Souza. D'Souza came to North Greenville for Christian Worldview Week this year. He was intriguing and fascinating. He attempts in his book to show that God does exist. What makes his presentation so interesting is the fact that he endeavors to do with without using the Bible for support.
So many times, Christians try to convince atheists that God exists by using "God's book" as their backing. While it is true that the Bible is ultimate truth, atheists will not accept this as adequate proof because they do not believe in God at all. God is so much bigger than we often imagine him to be, and he has placed his fingerprints on all of creation, not just scripture. D'Souza points this out through government, science, and social constructs. I highly recommend this read to anyone who wants to strengthen their witness to an atheistic world.
One part of the book explains how science has indeed determined that the world was created. D'Souza argues that the creator of the world is outside of the world/universe and time itself, much like the author of a book is outside of the book he writes. I will leave you with one of D'Souza's most interesting observations:
"It seems at this point that we have established the existence of a creator, but nothing can be known about the nature of that creator. I submit that this is not so. Many attributes of the creator remain unknown or hidden, but there are some conclusions that we can reasonably draw from what we know. As the universe was produced by creative act, it is reasonable to infer that it was produced by some sort of mind. Mind is the origin of matter, and it is mind that produces matter, rather than the other way around. As the universe comprises the totality of nature, containing everything that is natural, its creator must necessarily be outside of nature. As the creator used no natural laws or forces to create the universe, the creator is clearly supernatural. As space and time are within the universe, the creator is also outside space and time, which is to say eternal. As the universe is material, the creator is immaterial, which is to say spiritual. As the universe was created from nothing, the creator is incomprehensibly powerful, or as best we can tell, omnipotent [...] It provides, for all who take the trouble to understand and reflect upon it, powerful and convincing evidence exists of an eternal, supernatural being that created our world and everything in it."
Isn't that amazing. How great is our God!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I've recently been accused of turning my blog into nothing but pictures, and while that may be true, they are awfully cute pictures!
Today, we went walking with some wonderful friends. Even though the walk was long and arduous, the company was wonderful. I thought you might enjoy some pictures of Abby and her friend Ashton swinging. Abby loves the feeling of wind in her hair. Ashton normally loves it too, but he is having a bout of sinuses and wasn't able to enjoy it completely.
After a wonderful walk, we ate a fantastic lunch of pecan-crusted chicken, and I found a local butcher shop where I'm going to get some meat. Overall, it was a very rewarding day!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Rediscovering the Joy
Lately, I've had a really hard time being motivated to spend time being still and meditating on scripture. I find myself getting wrapped up in the bustle of everyday life, and I rarely stop to slow down. There are always clothes that need to be washed, a child that must be fed, beds to be made, etc. You get the idea.
Since I've been out of school, I've made it my goal to stop in the mornings when Abby goes down for her nap, to spend some time with the Father. What a difference it makes! I had forgotten how much I love looking into his word and speaking with and listening to Him!
This morning, I was reading in one of my favorite devotional books. Thank you, Meredith for giving me a devotional that cross-referenced this one. That is how I found Streams in the Desert by Mrs. LB Cowman. Anyway, Cowman quotes AB Simpson who says, "Dear friend, God may send you some valuable gifts wrapped in unattractive paper. But do not worry about the wrappings for you can be sure that inside He has hidden treasures of love, kindness and wisdom. If we will simply take what He sends and trust Him for the blessings inside, we will learn the meaning of the secrets of His providence, even in times of darkness." She also references Psalm 25:14 which says, "The secret of the Lord is with them that fear him."
Isn't this beautiful. For many months I wondered why I had to have such problems with my pregnancy with Abby. I questioned why God would make me have a premature baby who was in the NICU for 10 days when I did everything the "right" way. God has been teaching me not to question His ways because His thoughts are not my thoughts neither are His ways my ways. He knows. I can take immense comfort in that.
Please take some time to meditate on the God of the universe today. Know that He loves you greatly.
Cousin Austen
Abby's cousin Austen came by for a little while yesterday afternoon. She absolutely adores him! I think he should come by and entertain her all the time! I've put some pictures up of Abby wearing his baseball cap.
She loves to tug on hats and caps.
Austen thought it would be funny to turn the had around backwards.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
I Feel Pretty
Here are a few pictures of Abby for those of you who love keeping up with her. She wore this pretty dress this morning to church, but before we left, she smiled for her daddy.
Isn't she beautiful!
It's time for the Irises
The irises in front of our house have begun to bloom. They are absolutely gorgeous. I love this time of year because of all the color that the new flowers bring with them.
I've put some pictures so you can see our lovely flowers.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
My inspiration
I've been thinking about it, and I thought I should probably put a post on here explaining where the title of my blog came from.
Many of you know that I adore Emily Dickinson. She is one of my most favorite poets. As a matter of fact, I wrote my Master's Thesis about her life and her poetry. One of her poems that really speaks to me is the one that this blog is titled after. I've put it at the bottom of this post.
I love the idea that God creates life and that His plan is perfect. That gives me hope. Although we aren't certain that Dickinson was a Christian, it is obvious that she contemplated religion and God often.
I'm currently doing a Bible study with my SS class titled When Worldviews Collide by Ergun Caner. It is about the different ways that people look at the world. More on that study in a later post.
I'm saddened for Dickinson because I'm not certain she ever found the grace or peace that Christ offers, but her poetry is beautiful and it causes me to stop and think about my life. Maybe it will do the same for you.
It's easy to invent a Life —
God does it — every Day —
Creation — but the Gambol
Of His Authority —
It's easy to efface it —
The thrifty Deity
Could scarce afford Eternity
To Spontaneity —
The Perished Patterns murmur —
But His Perturbless Plan
Proceed — inserting Here — a Sun —
There — leaving out a Man —
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Listen for it.
We are currently experiencing the beginning of separation anxiety. My friends who have older children tell me that it only gets more intense from here. Apparently, it reaches its peak somewhere around 18 months of age and diminishes from there.
Abby has also learned how to mimic the sounds she hears. She is quite the ham for the camera, but we did manage to get her grunting with her daddy. She loves her daddy very, very much.