Thursday, May 29, 2008

All is Quiet (Except the Dishwasher)

All is quiet in the Looper house this evening. Jason's sister picked up Abby about 5:30 to take her to a ballgame because I had the ladies coming over for Bible study. Jason had praise band practice, and the ladies have headed their separate ways, and I find myself here, in front of the computer surrounded by silence. Well, it isn't completely silent because I just started the dishwasher, but its hum somehow calms me. It means I'm not at the sink washing dishes, which is a wonderful thought.

This is a very stream of consciousness rambling, but those of you who are my true friends will understand and forgive me.

Today I accomplished little and much all at the same time. How, you may ask. I made dinner, straightened around the house, enjoyed a wonderful lunch with Debra, and now I am able to write a blog to you folks out in bloggerville.

I only have 2 weeks of summer school left. I am so glad! I'm not glad because my students have been any trouble but because I am ready to be home and be enjoying the beautiful weather and my beautiful daughter. We sat on the porch for a few minutes this afternoon, and she loved it; she always does.

Well, I think I'm going to go turn on the television and veg out until Jason returns with my child. And maybe I'll listen to the dishwasher.


ashleyking said...

yay for quiet, alone time. and dishwashers. miss you.