Wow! I can't believe I haven't posted in over a week! Insanity, I know. It seems that life just got away from me this week, and my poor, pitiful blog was neglected.
I can't even begin to explain how busy Jason and I were from Monday to Thursday. Our church was hosting a missions conference, which meant church Monday night, Tuesday night (we skipped) and Wednesday night. We had dinner with fantastic friends on Tuesday and then on Thursday Jason had soccer duty.
What is soccer duty, you might ask.
Well, sometimes Jason's brother-in-law works when his sons have soccer games and as amazing as Debbie (their mother) is, she can't be two places at once so Jason steps in as surrogate and takes one of the boys to soccer.
That meant that Thursday was busy too.
All in all, I know I shouldn't make excuses, but blogging was at the bottom of the list. I hope all of you survived my absence. I'm thinking you did.
Back to my original point, however, today I've been really productive. It's probably because Debbie and Kenny kept Abby this morning. Anyhoo, I got a whole chicken cooked. That's right, guts and all, cooked. I should have taken a picture to share with you my culinary expertise, but the thing was defleshed before I thought about it.
I graded papers, fought with our wireless network and vacuumed. Are you amazed yet? You should be.
Well, I think I'm going to go finish grading tests and hope that Abby naps for a bit. We're going to a movie tonight, which means, it's got to be done now! :-)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Prepare to be amazed!
Friday, September 19, 2008
A Sad Ending
Many of you will remember that I began leading a women's Bible study near the beginning/end of June. It has been a wonderful journey and it ended last night. We walked through Beth Moore's Breaking Free, an absolutely fantastic study for those of you who have never been through it.
Every Thursday night (or almost every Thursday night) Jane, Cheriee, Perineau, and Nadine would come to my house between 5:30 and 6, ooh and goo over Abby, and then we would talk about Christ and about freedom. It was such a sweet, sweet time. Cheriee was full of questions, Perineau full of encouragement, Nadine full of wisdom, and my Aunt Jane full of smiles and nods and insightful comments.
I couldn't have asked for a lovelier group of women to lead.
Today on my way home from school I was praying for another group to lead. I thrive on it, and now that this study is over, I'm left at a loss. I have my Sunday school class, but I so enjoy leading women.
God has been faithful in our travels together through Breaking Free. Cheriee found out she DOESN'T have cancer (Hallelujah), Nadine has suffered some losses, and I gained two new, precious friends.
If you get the opportunity, go through a study with some other folks, reach out; we so desperately need one another.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
On Vacuum Salesmen
Several weeks ago I unsuspectingly registered for a drawing at our local Pizza Inn. I was just standing there while Jason paid our bill and there was a podium with a big red and white sign that said, "Register for your chance to win $200.00". Well, we could definitely use $200, so I put our name on the piece of paper and stuffed it into the box.
A few nights later I got a call from a man saying that we had won a daily prize of $25 and that all we needed to do to claim the money was to let him come to our house and tell us about Filter Queen.
I don't know how familiar you are with Filter Queen but apparently it is a super nice, super expensive vacuum cleaner that can do everything from clean your rugs to raise your children.
The night he was originally supposed to come I got a raging stomach virus, so we had to reschedule. I should have had him come on the original night and see if the machine could cure me.
Last night he came to our house with boxes in tow and proceeded to demonstrate the Filter Queen for us.
It was DISGUSTING! I mean, I know I'm not a great housekeeper or anything, but this was absolutely revolting. There was dust and dirt and grime all over everything he touched.
He told us about how in the old days people kept their windows open and the air in the house was new every 30 minutes; now the air is new only every 4-5 hours. He had newspaper articles and doctor's prescriptions. It was quite convincing.
He did mention that he has sold more Filter Queens than any other salesman in the history of the company. Then again, he also said that his nephew holds the world record for most one-armed pushups. His past was impressive.
During the presentation, he told us about how only good parents have Filter Queens, all other parents don't really love their children and how a house is never really clean until you set up one of his machines in your living room. We learned that you can make your whole house smell like a eucalyptus bush by running this thing with a scented pad in the top. The thing could do anything.
I should have known when he said that the hosing was made of the same material as Michael Phelps's suit that it was beyond our reach.
After his 45 minute talk came the moment of reckoning. That machine is $1800, y'all! I'm not kidding, $1800! Do you have any idea what I could buy for that kind of money? Six, count 'em, SIX Kitchenaid mixers, the good ones, too.
We politely told him, no, that we couldn't take one because we had medical bills and we now pay cash for things thanks to Dave Ramsey and he came down, down, down on the price. He conveniently had a refurbished one in the car and he could give us for even cheaper.
The answer was still NO. I was so proud of Jason because he is the spender and I can tell everyone else no but him, and he stood firm. He later said that if I had nodded we would now own a Filter Queen. No nodding from this girl.
We might have been suckered in but the salesman told us they often have to REPOSSESS these vacuums when people don't pay.
Can you imagine, sitting in your house and having someone come to repossess your VACUUM! Insanity.
Maybe in a few years, after I have at least 1 Kitchenaid mixer, we'll buy a Filter Queen. Until then, I guess Abby will just have to live in a dirty home. Don't tell DSS.
You Simply MUST Read This
You have to go to Boo Mama's blog and read about the moment she had with her daughter.
It is short and will make you laugh until you cry!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Golden Corral
I have to share with you one of the most hilarious things I've seen in a while. If you live in South Carolina and are at home at all during the day I'm sure you've seen all the personal injury ads that lawyers run.
Joel Bieber is one of Abby's favorites. She fixates on the television when she hears that catchy jingle, "When you're hurt we'll come to you; call Joel Beiber." I hope this doesn't inspire her to go into law. I know there's money there, but I just don't think I could handle it.
Anyway, one morning I was watching the ad with Abby on my lap and the very end came on, a catchy yellow screen with Joel Beieber's face right in the middle. At the bottom (and I could only read it because we have a high definition television) were the words, "Joel Beieber enjoys eating at Golden Corral."
How funny!
I guess that is their celebrity promotion. I can only guess that those who own and operate Golden Corral assume that their patrons would also be clients of Joel Beieber, so the next time you're eating there, just remember, "Joel Beiber enjoys eating at the Golden Corral."
You're in good company!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Sometimes I'm So Dense
Sometimes I wonder how often God has to work before I realize that He will do what He says He will do.
Jason's been working for my dad for almost 3 years now, and business has been good (not always great but definitely good). They build beautiful custom cabinets and furniture, and in the past few years, they've done some work for really rich, ritzy folks. Those of you who know my dad know how funny it must be to see him with his sawdust filled shirts and crazy graying hair talk to these men and women who are worth millions, but we are thankful for the work.
Lately, though, business has been slow. Maybe it's the economy or maybe it's just that time of year. I don't know. All I do know is that I tend to get really scared when there isn't work lined up, and when I say scared, I mean REALLY S-C-A-R-E-D.
We've been praying for work and praying for work and praying for work and lo and behold if work didn't come last night. A big job. A cabinet job. Just what we've been asking for.
You would think after all we've been through with Abby and with the way God has intervened in my life so many times before, I would know that he can be trusted. I guess that's why he keeps showing up, to show me again and again and again that I can know, believe and trust him completely with EVERYTHING.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
What Was That About a Radio Star?
Abby experienced her first high school football game last night. It was pretty significant because in a sense, it was her beginning. Easley played Pickens, and Jason and I went on our first date to the Easley/Pickens game. Nothing says, "will you be with me forever" like high school football.
Anyway, East Pickens does concessions several times during the season and those of us who are very poor volunteer to work the concessions stands in order to get into the game for free. Thank goodness on our first date, we didn't do this because it is hot and sweaty enough in the stands and much worse in a 12'x 12' brick hothouse.
Jason strapped Abby onto himself (something I don't think you're supposed to be able to do with a 14 month old, but whatever) and into the game we went. Abby lasted all of 5 minutes in the concessions area. I guess I should be clearer, I lasted all of 5 minutes in the concessions area with Abby.
After Jason handed the baby girl to me so that he could go move our car from the not-yet-open Walgreens parking lot where the cops were threatening to ticket folks who parked there (seriously?!?, I stood the heat as long as I could.
Abby and I quickly moved to the grassy spot behind the end-zone and watched the guys warm up and then Abby cheered for number 11 (her kicking cousin) and we watched the game. I'm not kidding. I would say, "Go number 11" and she would lift her two forefingers. She's brilliant. It's amazing.
Somewhere during the game, one of the local Pickens radio stars decided that it was live-feed time and all the smelly middle school boys in Pickens County gathered around him for a chance to yell a "shout-out" to whoever middle school boys "shout-out" to.
The only problem was that Abby and I were at the edge of the throng. Typically, I look at these kinds of antics and laugh, but with a 14 month old in my lap who was already unhappy and not being able to get on the ground and crawl, I was something like a mother bear who had been woken up in the middle of hibernation.
At one point, I practically had five boys falling into my lap, which was already filled enough with Abby.
The radio dj apologized profusely and then moved to the other side of the fence to keep the boys and girls at bay.
Really, didn't these children ever learn from their parents that video killed the radio star.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Taking My Chances
This weekend is the big Weecycled Wear event in Pickens. Every mom, grandma, aunt, or for that matter potential mom descends on the old Winn-Dixie building to buy used baby/toddler clothes and accessories.
It is a brilliant idea, one big yard sale inside where people can bring their baby clothes and get used ones at great prices.
I've gone the past few times they done it, and I have gotten some wonderful steals! As a matter of fact, Abby's exersaucer came from there. It is my favorite toy by far! Thanks, Amanda!
Well, my mom called me asking if I wanted to go this afternoon and get some things. You see, Jason and I are at the point where a second child would be a welcome addition, and Weecycled also has some fantastic maternity clothes.
The only problem is...
Every mom, grandma, aunt, and woman in Pickens County comes to this event. That means that I will inevitably run into someone I know, work with, am related to, you get the idea. That would be fine except when you're perusing the maternity items, people tend to jump to conclusions.
Jason and I got engaged on a mission trip in Colorado and before our bus got back onto Southern soil, everyone in Pickens knew our news.
That brings me back to my original point, if I were spotted shopping for maternity clothes (even if it weren't an immediate need) rumors would fly.
My mom told me not to worry about it, that if any rumors did get started, we would just tell them otherwise. I'm not so sure.
I did, however, take my chances and shop.
If you hear I'm pregnant and it hasn't been confirmed here, then you know it's just a rumor!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tell About The South
I work with a beautiful, smart, talented, sweet, Southern Korean lady. The other day she came into my office to chat, a wonderful distraction from the mountains of papers that are currently on my desk. Yes, I realize it is only 3 or so weeks into the semester, but for some reason, papers are no respecter of date.
When Dr. Shin came in, she started to talk about her family (she has two wonderful little boys) and her church and other things. Then she asked me something really interesting. She wanted to know about Southern culture.
Apparently the culture of South Carolina is nothing like the culture of South Korea. I kid, but you know what I mean.
I sat and thought for a few minutes. I didn't know what to say. You see, I've been in South Carolina ALL my life. I've taken the occasional trip here and there, and I've seen a lot of the world, but my family, my friends, my home, my life is here in South Carolina.
My family has deep roots. We've been here since the Revolutionary War or before. Jason's family is the same way. I don't think about my culture that much because it is just what it is.
So here's my question for you: tell me something about Southern culture. You may not even be "a southerner" but I'm sure you have some observations. What are your thoughts?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
And Her Name Shall Be....
I think we finally decided on a name for the nameless pup. Leia. Jason really wanted a Star Wars name, and since Leia is the only female character with a relatively "normal" name, we picked that.
I got some fantastic suggestions, though, and we did consider some of them seriously. I was personally pulling for Toto since she kind of looks like a Toto, but we went another direction.
Right now both of my girls are napping. Actually, I don't know for certain that Leia is napping, but she is quiet, so I'll take that.
It's been kind of fun to have a new puppy around. I've never really had an inside dog. Maddie (our wonderful outside dog) was only inside for a few weeks because I got pregnant and she was too hyper. Good thing Abby isn't hyper. She might be in the back with Maddie. I'm just kidding! ;-)
Thanks for all your suggestions. We really did have a good time listening to your input!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Abby's New Best Friend
We finally got a puppy for Abby. It was a stroke of good fortune, I suppose. A friend of ours had some puppies that are a mix between a Maltese and a Yorkie (very cute) and she called wanting to know if we'd like a little girl. We talked about it, and decided that we would give it a try. She is a precious little girl.
The only problem now is that we aren't sure what to call her. Her papers say Sophie, but there is a Sophie down the street. We've tried Ally, but it is too close to Abby.
We kind of like Wickett (from Star Wars) but that didn't fit either. We used Widdle (another Star Wars reference, but it didn't work.
So here's what I need from you. Look at that face and help us come up with a name. We're at a loss. Any help would be appreciated. I'll let you know the results!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
How To Sell A Cat
My mom has yard sales all the time! It's not really that she has a lot to sell, but she has a compulsion to get rid of stuff. I guess I didn't get that from her. I HATE selling things at yard sales. I never ask enough, and I'm just too much of a pushover.
Well, this morning was that morning. Yard sale time! After it was over, I called my mom to see how she did, and I made a startling discover, she got rid of the cat during the yard sale.
I mean, I know that Dave Ramsey says to sell so much that the kids think they're next, but the cat? Really, Dave?
How did she do this, you might ask. It seems that a sweet little pentecostal lady came by to do some shopping. My mom said she knew she was pentecostal because she had on pantyhose, sandals, a skirt and a jacket. I mean, that kind of fashion statement is unmistakable.
You have to understand that my parents recently took in a stray cat. For some reason, lost cats always find their way to my parents' house, and my parents always feed them. Every cat I had growing up was a stray. That's the way we did it.
Anyway, this cat was very friendly, rubbing on your legs, wanting to come in the house, biting my mom when she fed him, things like that. The sweet little pentecostal lady, asked my mom question after question about the stray, and my mom patiently answered, not knowing that the lady was actually scoping out the yellow and white feline.
The lady left without another word about the cat but returned a while later with a cat carrier and informed my mom that she had a family meeting when she got home and wanted the cat. My mom, being the good wife that she is, went to ask my dad if it was okay to get rid of the stray, and when she returned to her yard sale, the cat lady was taking up money for bought items and making deals. Seems to me that the lady was getting a little too close!
After all was said and done, the yellow and white cat went home with her new mom, and my mom was left cat-free. At least she's cat free until another stray comes along, at which time, I guess she'll have another yard sale.
Friday, September 5, 2008
All The Hype
I must say that I am encouraged by the enthusiasm this election season has inspired. Most of my friends and family know that I am truly a nerd at heart. I love listening to talk radio, and I enjoy watching CNN when the election results come rolling in. That kind of thing just lights me up.
I really can't explain it fully. There's just something about being "in the know" and watching how everything comes together in the end that gives me chills.
I am aware, however, that most of the general population finds my avidity for politics and world affairs quite strange and foreign. Take my wonderful husband for example. He sweetly bought me XM Radio so that I could listen to music and not commercials during my lengthy drive to work each day. What are all the presets set to? Talk radio channels, of course. It drives him crazy! He would be content to listen to the 80s channel all day.
Back to my main point though. It seems that more and more people are looking at and engaging in the political scene this year. Just yesterday I was on Facebook, and I noticed 4 or more notes written about the RNC. Most of them were not flattering, but at least people are dialogging.
I went to class this morning, and a student of mine asked me what I thought about the elections. I was floored. During the last Presidential election, I was teaching at Clemson, and the students there couldn't have cared less. I'm not sure if this season is different because Barack Obama is a minority or because Sarah Palin is a woman or if it is simply because so much is at stake. Regardless of the reasons, I am THRILLED that folks are taking notice.
May we never forget the price that was paid for our privilege to participate in the election process, and may we always remember to thank those who serve our country.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Can I Marry Sarah Palin?
I'm just kidding, kind of!
Last night I was checking my e-mail and looking at Facebook, typical things, really, and I remembered that Sarah Palin was giving her acceptance speech at the GOP Convention at 10:00. Well, 10:00 might as well have been 2:00 a.m. for me since I had been up since 5:30 yesterday morning and since I taught 4 classes yesterday.
I did, however, manage to keep my eyes open long enough to hear her entire acceptance speech, and I must say, "I think I'm in love!" What a wonderful pick for VP. She was eloquent, firm, funny, and educated. She didn't slam Obama, but she did have some pretty good jabs.
I have confidence that she is committed because she has been married to her husband for 20+ years and their five children are beautiful. She loves her country and she loves her family. Her dedication is obvious and her frugality appealing.
It is true that behind every good man is a better woman, and Sarah Palin is the better woman. If any of you are like me, you were wavering in your decision to vote for McCain in November. It's not that I want Obama to be President; it is more that I wasn't sure I wanted McCain to be President. It was a tough call. After the Palin pick, however, my confidence level is high, and I'm ready to cast my ballot.
If you didn't fair as well as I and fell asleep last night before she spoke, please take a moment to find her acceptance speech and watch it.
After all, the difference between a pit bull and a soccer mom is simply lipstick.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Too Much To Write
I've been absent on the blogging front for a while. This weekend was much too hectic for my liking. You'll remember I wrote about our dear friend Shorty who had cancer. Shorty died on Thursday around midnight. He's now pain-free and home. We had his funeral on Sunday.
Yesterday should have been a breeze, but Jason was home, so I was distracted and never made it in here.
I have a few things on my mind that I'd like to share. I'll do it in list form so that maybe I won't ramble too much.
1. I got a fantastic report from the endocrinologist on Friday. YAY!!!! It seems my levels are right where they should be. You could have peeled me off the floor or the ceiling after she told me. Totally unexpected.
2. Yay for Barack Obama. You won't here that from this Republican much, but I'm so glad that he told the media to back off Sarah Palin (p.s. YAY for Sarah Palin - NRA, pro-life, good-looking - what a pick, McCain). I understand that her daughter is pregnant, but she's doing the right thing by not aborting the baby, AND how quickly we forget Bill Clinton's escapades. That's all I'll say about that.
3. I waited for an hour and a half this morning to hear Michael Phelps' big "announcement" on the Today Show, which amounted to no more than "I'm getting a million dollars for my gold medals, and I'm starting a foundation. I'm not sure what kind of foundation, but it will have to do with swimming." I love Phelps, please don't misunderstand, but all that hype for that? I could have been watching Curious George with Abby for goodness sake.
I think that's all I've got. We did go to the zoo yesterday, and Abby was enthralled. I'll put some pictures up soon.
Enjoy your Tuesday!