Sunday, September 7, 2008

Abby's New Best Friend

We finally got a puppy for Abby. It was a stroke of good fortune, I suppose. A friend of ours had some puppies that are a mix between a Maltese and a Yorkie (very cute) and she called wanting to know if we'd like a little girl.

We talked about it, and decided that we would give it a try. She is a precious little girl.

The only problem now is that we aren't sure what to call her. Her papers say Sophie, but there is a Sophie down the street. We've tried Ally, but it is too close to Abby.

We kind of like Wickett (from Star Wars) but that didn't fit either. We used Widdle (another Star Wars reference, but it didn't work.

So here's what I need from you. Look at that face and help us come up with a name. We're at a loss. Any help would be appreciated. I'll let you know the results!


Debra G. said...


Alicia Looper said...

That's a good one!

Karis said...

Nellie...don't know why.

Karis said...

Actually...I like Lilly for a pet. She lookis Lillyish.

Anonymous said...

What about Boo??