I must say that I am encouraged by the enthusiasm this election season has inspired. Most of my friends and family know that I am truly a nerd at heart. I love listening to talk radio, and I enjoy watching CNN when the election results come rolling in. That kind of thing just lights me up.
I really can't explain it fully. There's just something about being "in the know" and watching how everything comes together in the end that gives me chills.
I am aware, however, that most of the general population finds my avidity for politics and world affairs quite strange and foreign. Take my wonderful husband for example. He sweetly bought me XM Radio so that I could listen to music and not commercials during my lengthy drive to work each day. What are all the presets set to? Talk radio channels, of course. It drives him crazy! He would be content to listen to the 80s channel all day.
Back to my main point though. It seems that more and more people are looking at and engaging in the political scene this year. Just yesterday I was on Facebook, and I noticed 4 or more notes written about the RNC. Most of them were not flattering, but at least people are dialogging.
I went to class this morning, and a student of mine asked me what I thought about the elections. I was floored. During the last Presidential election, I was teaching at Clemson, and the students there couldn't have cared less. I'm not sure if this season is different because Barack Obama is a minority or because Sarah Palin is a woman or if it is simply because so much is at stake. Regardless of the reasons, I am THRILLED that folks are taking notice.
May we never forget the price that was paid for our privilege to participate in the election process, and may we always remember to thank those who serve our country.
Fashion Friday: Edition welcome to 2025
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