Wow! I can't believe I haven't posted in over a week! Insanity, I know. It seems that life just got away from me this week, and my poor, pitiful blog was neglected.
I can't even begin to explain how busy Jason and I were from Monday to Thursday. Our church was hosting a missions conference, which meant church Monday night, Tuesday night (we skipped) and Wednesday night. We had dinner with fantastic friends on Tuesday and then on Thursday Jason had soccer duty.
What is soccer duty, you might ask.
Well, sometimes Jason's brother-in-law works when his sons have soccer games and as amazing as Debbie (their mother) is, she can't be two places at once so Jason steps in as surrogate and takes one of the boys to soccer.
That meant that Thursday was busy too.
All in all, I know I shouldn't make excuses, but blogging was at the bottom of the list. I hope all of you survived my absence. I'm thinking you did.
Back to my original point, however, today I've been really productive. It's probably because Debbie and Kenny kept Abby this morning. Anyhoo, I got a whole chicken cooked. That's right, guts and all, cooked. I should have taken a picture to share with you my culinary expertise, but the thing was defleshed before I thought about it.
I graded papers, fought with our wireless network and vacuumed. Are you amazed yet? You should be.
Well, I think I'm going to go finish grading tests and hope that Abby naps for a bit. We're going to a movie tonight, which means, it's got to be done now! :-)
Fashion Friday: Edition welcome to 2025
5 days ago
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