Monday, September 15, 2008

Sometimes I'm So Dense

Sometimes I wonder how often God has to work before I realize that He will do what He says He will do.

Jason's been working for my dad for almost 3 years now, and business has been good (not always great but definitely good). They build beautiful custom cabinets and furniture, and in the past few years, they've done some work for really rich, ritzy folks. Those of you who know my dad know how funny it must be to see him with his sawdust filled shirts and crazy graying hair talk to these men and women who are worth millions, but we are thankful for the work.

Lately, though, business has been slow. Maybe it's the economy or maybe it's just that time of year. I don't know. All I do know is that I tend to get really scared when there isn't work lined up, and when I say scared, I mean REALLY S-C-A-R-E-D.

We've been praying for work and praying for work and praying for work and lo and behold if work didn't come last night. A big job. A cabinet job. Just what we've been asking for.

You would think after all we've been through with Abby and with the way God has intervened in my life so many times before, I would know that he can be trusted. I guess that's why he keeps showing up, to show me again and again and again that I can know, believe and trust him completely with EVERYTHING.


Karis said...

God is so good. Isn't it funny how often we need Him to show up like that? How incredible it is that we serve a God that loves us so tenderly that He actually does meet us right where we are.